Mental Health Awareness Week

May 12, 2021 by
Mental Health Awareness Week
Muslim Doctors Associations, MDA Admin

As Mental Health Awareness week comes to a mid-point, my attention was drawn to a particular quote I read; “awareness is not the same as action”. At Muslim Doctors Association, we have really thrown ourselves into not only raising awareness through our platforms, but offering practical tips and advice, empowering people to be able to take action for themselves and loved ones.

From our Mental Health hub, a handy list of resources one can look at for further help and advice. To our covid themed resources and blogs during the lockdown; Finding light in the lockdownLOCKDOWN RAMADAN 2.0. We also did not forget our NHS heroes, and produced a much needed resources page they could access when the stress and pressures of facing the front line became too much.

We are also grateful to have been able to continue our Wellbeing Wednesdays in the form of monthly vodcasts which can be accessed via our Facebook page for those who missed it. Do tune in to our monthly vodcasts where we tackle a wide range of pertinent themes for the Muslim community and beyond.

As always, we are looking for people keen to get involved so please drop an email to [email protected]