Recruiting volunteers now……

Assalamu Aleikum,

With the incredible response to the current crisis and COVID 19 we have seen an increasing number of people wanting to contribute and join the NHS in volunteering and to participate in the fight against the pandemic. As a result we have had an overwhelming number of enquiries from you with regards to becoming more involved in our projects.

MDA are excited to announce that we have opened a new cohort of MDA volunteers and will be actively recruiting over the next few weeks. Please register your interest on the MDA website here:

We are looking for passionate, enthusiastic individuals with a keen interest in contributing to the community. We will match your skills and experience to our current projects and are open to exploring other areas of interest. We are calling for clinical and non-clinical healthcare professionals including dentists, nurses, healthcare assistants, opticians, pharmacists but also managers, clinical assistants and IT professionals working in healthcare.

Our volunteers will have a mentor and one to one session to understand your aims and incorporate you into the MDA network and philosophy. Volunteers will gain invaluable first hand experience in the forefront of community projects. All volunteers are provided with certificates for CPD and enter our MDA volunteer engagement scheme with the ability to gain bronze, silver and gold MDA volunteer status.

Opportunities currently being advertised for include but not limited to the following:

– Volunteers with an interest in writing health education journals or articles for the MDA website/ blog or delivering webinars.

– Volunteers with an experience in advertising, graphic and web design, technology, or digital media.

– Volunteers interested in running and conducting health checks and community projects.

Please forward this link to all those who may be interested. Look forward to hearing from you all. Any questions can be directed to [email protected]

Best Wishes,

MDA Team