Wellbeing Wednesdays

The month of May saw us mark a few milestones in the Wellbeing Wednesday calendar. Celebrating 7 months of our Wellbeing Wednesday cafes, being appointed Mental Health Lead at MDA, grappling with the second month of lockdown and reflecting on our first Ramadan with our Wellbeing Wednesday friends.

The month of Ramadan often brings with it contemplations of the year before. I look back at when we first started this initiative, and how much it has been a learning curve to develop and grow this space to what we have today. I think back to how easy it was to work with my new found Wellbeing Wednesday team, to flourish into the friendship that we have today; for which I am eternally grateful for. I think back to the attendees, who bravely reached out to us to ask if they could share their personal stories of loss and triumph to give hope to others. I think back to our guest speakers who used their knowledge and professional skills to equip us in dealing with life’s uncertainties. But most of all, I think just how much I learn from the attendees at every single event, so much so that I have started to implement their tips into my own life!

The Wellbeing Wednesday cafes so far have covered topics like anxiety, depression, male mental health, relationships and hope in 2020 to name a few. And whilst these are all very important topics, our May one has been my favourite so far. Sharing the positive learnings during the lockdown in Ramadan helped elevate my connection with God to a higher level, in a way I had not been able to experience for a number of years. I am now looking forward to joining in celebrations and reflections with you all at our next Wellbeing Wednesdays: Eid A Time for Rejoicing and Reflecting on 3rd June.

For the next steps, I am delighted to be working with the team on developing the MDA mental health roadmap even further. Extending our support specifically to Health Care Professionals in our first HCP Wellbeing Webinar: Stress and Burnout on 7th June, seemed like a natural next step especially in the pandemic. I look forward to watching this space grow even more God willing, and would welcome any suggestions from you all!

Wellbeing Wednesdays is an initiative by the Muslim Doctors Association that aims to provide support for those with lived experience as well as those who are just interested in learning and discussing how to live happier and healthier lives. It is open to people of all backgrounds, faith and no faith.

Follow us on Eventbrite or join the mailing list to be notified of our future events!

I would be delighted to hear from you about any topics or issues that you think would be important to cover. Please email [email protected]