Impact of COVID-19 on the Muslim Community

The Muslim Doctors Association submitted evidence to Public Health England’s review on COVID-19 disparities on 21st May 2020.

In the submission we present a rapid review describing the excess burden of morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 experienced by members of the Muslim community and the multi-factorial risks involved. The submission outlines a framework to analyse and mitigates these risks to patients, communities and frontline workers covering

  • Recognising religion as a determinant of health
  • Assessing impact on Muslim communities based on published reports and our community outreach work
  • Understanding longstanding intersectional risks and institutional discrimination
  • Assessing impact on Muslim healthcare workers based on published reports and case studies submitted
  • Our recommendations include
  • Publication of outcomes by disaggregated data including religion
  • Addressing wider social and structural determinants of health including healthcare access and discrimination
  • Early multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary stakeholder engagement to co-produce solutions
  • Faith and culturally sensitive health promotion strategies
  • Comprehensive occupational risk assessment and support for frontline workersDownload the submission here