Heart Rhythm Awareness- Don’t Miss a Beat It is estimated that around 500,000 people in the UK have undiagnosed atrial fibrillation (AF), a heart condition whereby a person has an irregular heart beat (pulse). Compared to the general populati...
Wellbeing Wednesdays The month of May saw us mark a few milestones in the Wellbeing Wednesday calendar. Celebrating 7 months of our Wellbeing Wednesday cafes, being appointed Mental Health Lead at MDA, grappling with the ...
Wellbeing Wednesdays: Sharing Silver Linings of the Pandemic Cloud I have so far attended all Wellbeing Wednesdays sessions with MDA since January, and every single session has been beneficial for myself, in terms of understanding mental health and spirituality. In p...
Response to the ‘Disparities in the risk and outcomes of COVID-19’ report Please find attached a response to the ‘Disparities in the risk and outcomes of COVID-19’ report. Download the full letter here...
A whole new Digital world in Medicine…….. Part 1 Dr. Osman Bhatti of Digital CCIO (Chief Clinical Information Officer) for the East London Health And Care Partnership CCG gives us an insight on how Covid may have changed the way we practice medicine...
COVID mental health resources for healthcare professionals General Support NHS Practitioner Health Doctor’s Common Room Daily supportive group. Please register www.practitionerhealth.nhs.uk/upcoming events NHS Practitioner Health All NHS Staff Common Room Twi...
Recruiting volunteers now…… Assalamu Aleikum, With the incredible response to the current crisis and COVID 19 we have seen an increasing number of people wanting to contribute and join the NHS in volunteering and to participate ...
Keeping the Eid vibes flowing under lockdown Everyone looks forward to Eid Al Fitr after the month of Ramadhan, a celebration of coming together as a community and renewing friendships and family ties. This year we all have to observe the Govern... discovery
Build the Five Pillars of Health this Ramadan The blessed month of Ramadan is here. A time for reflection, positive action and resolution. With the Covid-19 pandemic this Ramadan will be different, but is no doubt filled with abundant opportuniti...
Finding light in the lockdown Fears and anxieties This is normal during this time but if it is affecting your functioning and wellbeing you might need a step back. Have you ever thought what may be driving the negative thoughts? I...
Make it Out, Don’t Burnout The medical community knows challenge well but admit they are feeling overwhelmed not just by demand and lack of preparedness. Uniquely, Covid-19 is a personal health risk for physicians and they are ...
Make eye drops part of your Ramadan routine: wake, drops, eat, pray, done! This year we are pleased to be supporting The International Glaucoma Association ’s eye drops campaign as our chosen campaign during Ramadan . Glaucoma is a condition where there is increased pressure...