Diabetes UK
Diabetes UK provides recent guidance to those living with diabetes in the light of the current coronavirus pandemic. There is detailed advice for those presenting with coronavirus symptoms who are diabetic including effective monitoring of blood glucose levels but also on how to deal with hospital and GP appointments, tips for picking up prescriptions for insulin, emotional wellbeing, dealing with pregnancy and what to do if urgent medical advice is needed.
Asthma UK
Asthma UK has health advice for people with asthma including how to reduce the risk of contracting the virus, shielding advice for very high risk groups and what to do if you catch the virus. The advice is reviewed and updated regularly.
British Lung Foundation
The British Lung Foundation outlines what measures to take if you live at home with a lung condition and gives coping strategies for staying at home. Shielding measures are also discussed to protect those who are extremely vulnerable which follows the government advice.
British Heart Foundation
Medical experts from the British Heart Foundation provide advice for those with a heart condition. They are considered at high risk of more severe complications of COVID-19 and some patients, in particular those who have had a transplant or are pregnant and have significant heart disease are classed as extremely vulnerable and so have to ‘shield’ in line with the government guidelines.