UK Government Information Leaflet (multi-lingual)
The UK government has created promotional material e.g. leaflets to help stop the spread of
coronavirus including information on symptoms and government support. This is helpful to
individuals that cannot speak or understand English as it is available in different languages
which include Welsh, Urdu, Somali, Russian, Romanian, Romani, Punjabi, Polish, Gujarati
and Bengali.
Doctors of the World Guidance (multi-lingual)
Doctors of the World have provided advice for patients in 49 languages including Arabic, Bengali, Farsi, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Indonesian, Kurdish, Somali, Turkish and Urdu. The advice includes criteria for self-isolation including when and how to contact NHS 111, what measures can be done to stop the virus spreading, and guidance for immigration services.
AskDoc Youtube Channel (multi-lingual)
This Youtube channel provides top tips for keeping safe during the coronavirus outbreak in the form of short videos. The videos highlight the importance of following government advice in relation to COVID and also advice for those with symptoms. It also includes a Ramadan series for Muslims on how to have a safe and healthy Ramadan including general advice for those with long term conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure.